We saw along these pages several steps that went from documentation phase from building a valid referende simulation to finally make an experimental design and simulate the desirable study cases.
The method is in general simple, as it do not require many things from the developer. Furthermore, the method is meant to help developers that want to build networked robotic simulations and do not known where to start.
The techniques we to to use are were well known in the literature but are not mentioned together and neither applied to cooperative robotics, and this is where my PhD project is focused.
Currently we are developing more study cases and testing how useful the method really is, by evaluating the use with other developers (this site is one idea).
We are currently improving some points and by the end of the year we should have all the remaining information in this site, but you are welcome to test the method and send any feedback (via contact info page).
If you want to know more about the method you can check the references, read our publications or send a msg via contact form.
Last Update: 11/08/17